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Why I write

I've just signed up (for free) to the WordPress Blogger University.. They send you out daily email tasks to help you improve your blog writing. Number one email has just arrived with the challenge to write about why I write, which has actually been quite interesting for me to think about. Before doing this homework, I thought I was writing a blog because I wanted to have a blog, and to have a blog, you have to write it.. This caused me a bit of stress and guilt when I don't write, and so took away the point and pleasure of writing it in the first place!

But when I think a bit deeper than that, I realise that I write this blog because I’m really excited about the things we do, and the life we lead - it brings me a lot of happiness, it's simple, and cheap, and keeps us fit.

We have a great relationship, and I'm pretty sure it's down to the times spent together in beautiful wilderness. We feel much younger than our years, and are way less stressed with things than we would have been previously. We are pretty happy people, regardless of the troubles life throws in our way, as long as we are outside walking every day, even if it’s just for an hour, and even if it’s just in the local park.

I am so convinced that we have found a path to health and happiness, that I really want to help and inspire others to do likewise.. even if only a handful of people ever read my blog, and are inspired to get out into nature, take a walk, have a picnic or go camping, it would be worth all this writing for me.

I’ve heard so much about how your life is never the same after having kids, and it would make me really sad if we end up changing our lifestyle to a more sedentary, less outdoorsy adventurous one after "José" comes along, partly for myself, but also for "José" - it has taken me many years to find what is, for me, the key to happiness, and if I can hand that key over to my kids so that they have it from the get-go, that would make me very happy indeed.

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